[Event "San Sebastian"] [Site "San Sebastian"] [Date "1911.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Capablanca, Jose"] [Black "Burn, Amos"] [Result "1-0"] [PlyCount "91"] [EventDate "1911.??.??"] [ChessGame "true"] [Uuid "307b41d336154a06b24af2cd6e0be107-1625014141599"] [ContentNum "166"] [GameTitle "**Game 7 -**\nCapablanca, Jose Raul vs Burn, Amos\nSan Sebastian (1911) - *Ruy Lopez*"] [MoveListType "game"] [GTM "true"] [GTMPlayAsColor "w"] [ColorOnBottom "w"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.d3 { This is a very solid development, to which I was much addicted at the time, because of my ignorance of the multiple variations of the openings. } 5...d6 6.c3 Be7 ( { In this variation there is the alternative of developing this Bishop via **g7**, after } 6...g6 ) 7.Nbd2 O-O 8.Nf1 b5 9.Bc2 d5 10.Qe2 dxe4 11.dxe4 Bc5 { Evidently to make room for the Queen at **e7**, but I do not think the move advisable at this stage. } ( 11...Be6 { is a more natural and effective move. It develops a piece and threatens } 12.-- Bc4 { which would have to be stopped. } ) 12.Bg5 Be6 { Now it is not so effective, because White's Queen's Bishop is out, and the Knight, in going to **e3** } 13.Ne3 { defends **c4** and does not block the Queen's Bishop. } 13...Re8 14.O-O Qe7 { # This is bad. Black's game was already not good. He probably had no choice but to take the Knight with the Bishop before making this move. } 15.Nd5 Bxd5 16.exd5 Nb8 { In order to bring it to **d7**, to support the other Knight and also his King's Pawn. White, however, does not allow time for this, and by taking advantage of his superior position is able to win a Pawn. } 17.a4 b4 ( { Since he had no way to prevent the loss of a Pawn, he should have given it up where it is, and played } 17...Nbd7 { in order to make his position more solid. The text move not only loses a Pawn, but leaves Black's game very much weakened. } ) 18.cxb4 Bxb4 19.Bxf6 Qxf6 20.Qe4 Bd6 21.Qxh7+ Kf8 { With a Pawn more and all his pieces ready for action, while Black is still backward in development, it only remains for White to drive home his advantage before Black can come out with his pieces, in which case, by using the open h-file, Black might be able to start a strong attack against White's King. White is able by his next move to eliminate all danger. # } 22.Nh4 Qh6 { This is practically forced. } ( { Black could not play } 22...g6 { because of } 23.Bxg6 { White meanwhile threatened } ) ( 22...-- 23.Qh8+ Ke7 24.Nf5+ Kd7 25.Qxg7 ) 23.Qxh6 gxh6 24.Nf5 h5 25.Bd1 Nd7 26.Bxh5 Nf6 27.Be2 Nxd5 28.Rfd1 Nf4 29.Bc4 Red8 30.h4 a5 { Black must lose time assuring the safety of this Pawn. } 31.g3 Ne6 32.Bxe6 fxe6 33.Ne3 Rdb8 34.Nc4 Ke7 { Black fights a hopeless battle. He is two Pawns down for all practical purposes, and the Pawns he has are isolated and have to be defended by pieces. } 35.Rac1 Ra7 { White threatened } ( 35...-- 36.Nxd6 cxd6 { followed by } 37.Rc7+ ) 36.Re1 Kf6 37.Re4 Rb4 38.g4 Ra6 ( { If } 38...Rxa4 { then } 39.Nxd6 { would of course win a piece. } ) 39.Rc3 Bc5 40.Rf3+ Kg7 41.b3 Bd4 42.Kg2 Ra8 43.g5 Ra6 44.h5 Rxc4 45.bxc4 Rc6 46.g6 { Black resigns. [%fmt inline] } 1-0 [Event "Berlin"] [Site "Berlin"] [Date "1913.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Mieses, Jacques"] [Black "Capablanca, Jose"] [Result "0-1"] [PlyCount "88"] [EventDate "1913.??.??"] [ChessGame "true"] [Uuid "5341d579ded042acb407b1842f830514-1625014141599"] [ContentNum "167"] [GameTitle "**Game 8 -**\n**Mieses, Jacques vs Capablanca, Jose Raul**\nBerlin (1913) - *Centre Game*"] [MoveListType "game"] [GTM "true"] [GTMPlayAsColor "b"] [ColorOnBottom "b"] 1.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3.Qxd4 Nc6 4.Qe3 Nf6 5.Nc3 Bb4 6.Bd2 O-O 7.O-O-O Re8 ( { In this position, instead of the text move } 7...d6 { is often played in order to develop the other Bishop. My idea was to exert sufficient pressure against the e-Pawn to win it, which would, at least, compensate whatever slight advantage of position White might have. The plan, I think, is quite feasible, my subsequent difficulties being due to faulty execution of the plan. } ) 8.Qg3 Nxe4 9.Nxe4 Rxe4 10.Bf4 { # } 10...Qf6 { White's threat to regain the Pawn was merely with the idea of gaining time to develop his pieces. } ( { Black could have played } 10...d6 { opening the way for his Queen's Bishop, when there would have followed } 11.Bd3 Re8 12.Nf3 { and White would soon start a powerful attack against Black's King. With the text move Black aims at taking the initiative away from White in accordance with the principles laid down in this book. } ) 11.Nh3 ( { If } 11.Bxc7 d6 { and White's Bishop would be completely shut off, and could only be extricated, if at all, with serious loss of position. The text move aims at quick development to keep the initiative. } ) 11...d6 ( 11...d6 { is not only a developing move, but it also threatens to win a piece by } 12.-- Bxh3 ) 12.Bd3 Nd4 { This complicates the game unnecessarily. } ( 12...Re8 { was simple and perfectly safe. } ) 13.Be3 { # } 13...Bg4 { This is a serious mistake. The position was most interesting, and though in appearance dangerous for Black, not so in reality. } ( { The right move would have been } 13...Rg4 { when we would have } 14.Bxd4 Rxd4 15.c3 Bxc3 16.bxc3 Rg4 17.Qe3 { (best) } 17...Qxc3+ 18.Bc2 Qxe3+ 19.fxe3 Rxg2 { and Black has the best of the game with four Pawns for a Knight, besides the fact that all the White Pawns are isolated. } ) 14.Ng5 $1 Rxe3 { There was nothing better. } 15.Qxg4 Ne2+ { # } 16.Bxe2 Rxe2 17.Ne4 $1 Rxe4 18.Qxe4 Qg5+ 19.f4 Qb5 20.c3 Bc5 21.Rhe1 Qc6 22.Rd5 ( 22.Qxc6 { would have given White a decided advantage, enough to win with proper play. Mieses, however, feared the difficulties of an ending where, while having the exchange, he would be a Pawn minus. He preferred to keep the Queens on the board and keep up the attack. At first sight, and even after careful thought, there seems to be no objection to this plan, but in truth such is not the case. From this point the game will gradually improve in Black's favor until, with the exchange ahead, White is lost. } ) 22...Qd7 23.f5 c6 24.Rd2 d5 { #My plan for the moment is very simple. It will consist in bringing my Bishop round to **f6**. Then I shall try to paralyze White's attack against my King by playing **...h7- h6**, and also prevent White from ever playing **g2-g4-g5...** Once my King is safe from attack I shall begin to advance my queenside Pawns where there are four to three; and that advantage, coupled with the enormous attacking power of my Bishop at **f6**, will at least ensure me an even chance of success. } 25.Qf3 Be7 26.Rde2 Bf6 27.Qh5 h6 28.g4 Kh7 $1 ( 28...Kh7 { to prevent } 29.h4 { which I would answer with } 29...g6 { winning the Queen. It can now be considered that my King is safe from attack. White will have to withdraw his Queen via **h3**, and Black can use the time to begin his advance on the queenside. } ) 29.Kb1 Rd8 30.Rd1 c5 { Notice that, on assuming the defensive, White has placed Rooks correctly from the point of view of strategy. They are both on white squares, free from the possible attack of the Black Bishop. } 31.Qh3 Qa4 { This gains time by attacking the Rook and holding the White Queen at **h3** for the moment, on account of the g-Pawn. Besides, the Queen must be in the middle of the fray now that the attack has to be brought home. White has actually more value in material, and therefore Black must utilize everything at his command in order to succeed. } 32.Red2 Qe4+ 33.Ka1 b5 ( 33...b5 { is threatening } 34.-- b4 { which would open the line of action of the Bishop and also secure a passed Pawn. } ) 34.Qg2 Qa4 ( 34...Qa4 { is indirectly defending the d-Pawn which White cannot take } 35.Rxd5 { on account of } 35...Qxd1+ ) 35.Kb1 b4 { The attack increases in force as it is brought home directly against the King. The position now is most interesting and extremely difficult. It is doubtful if there is any valid defense against Black's best play. The variations are numerous and difficult. # } 36.cxb4 Qxb4 { Black now has a passed Pawn, and his Bishop exerts great pressure. } 37.a3 ( { White cannot very well now play } 37.Rxd5 { because of } 37...Rxd5 38.Rxd5 Bxb2 { and White could not take the Bishop } 39.Qxb2 { because } 39...Qe4+ { would win the Rook, leaving Black a clear passed Pawn ahead. } ) 37...Qa4 $1 38.Rxd5 Rb8 39.R1d2 c4 40.Qg3 Rb3 41.Qd6 { # } 41...c3 ( 41...Bxb2 { would also win, which shows that White's game is altogether gone. In these cases, however, it is not the prettiest move that should be played but the most effective one, the move that will make your opponent resign soonest. } ) 42.Rc2 cxb2 43.Rd3 Qe4 $1 44.Rd1 Rc3 { White resigns. After } ( 44...Rc3 { of course White must play } 45.Qd2 { and Black then plays } 45...Rxa3 ) 0-1

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